
Next generation website QA

A free, open-source Piazza alternative

Browser automation for Deno fans

Lino Cloud Services
A really simple set of cloud service offerings

E2E encrypted chat with certain privacy guarantees

Chat Speedrun
Any% chat speedrun (PB is <1:30:00)

Invisible Ink
Need to send a one time message to someone? Boy have you found the right place

A small todo-list website with a focus on simplicity

Netsaur MNIST
A demo of a (bad) netsaur model trained on the MNIST dataset

Discord Spellcast Solver
A website that demonstrates Svelte and also ruins Spellcast night with friends

A blazingly fast static-site generator to help you ship beautiful documentation in no time

Cookie DB
CookieDB is the world's most developer friendly database platform.

Can I CLI?
A site to check if your cli tool name has already been taken.

Another io game with the lovely @Oleks

A small voxel game demo. Written from scratch with threeJS and rapier.

A khanacademy program viewer and editor.

My attempt at making a half-decent search engine

The world's first form service that works for you. Make beautiful forms quickly, with all of the power and flexibility you'll ever need.

Smoll Physics
A small, unstable physics engine built to test my physics ability.

Dungeon Crawler
A quote unquote game, that is really just a demo for a physics engine.

Dinosaur Game ML
A small ML5.js demo to show off the power of ML on the web.

Browser OS
A demonstration of how powerful modern browsers have become. Probably works best with chrome.

Ultimate Connect Four
A small multiplayer connect 4 game that was made for Lancerhacks

Elemental 5
The continuation of Elemental 3 by Carykh and Elemental 4 by Dave. A solid demonstration of the idea of a fullstack project. An amazing demo project to check someone's skill. Video explaining history of the game coming soon.

Emoji Maker
Make your own custom tweemoji style emojis!

My first io-style game! Made with @Oleks

I used to do most of my visualizations on Khanacademy.