Astral v0.3.0 Release

Astral v0.3.0 is now released! This release includes a lot of new features and bug fixes. Here's a quick rundown of the changes:

What is Astral?

Before we go into the changes, let's talk about what Astral is. Astral is a Deno library (soon to be framework) for browser automation. If you've used tools like puppeteer or playwright before, you'll feel right at home with Astral. It's a simple, easy to use library that allows you to automate the browser.

I wrote it from scratch in a couple of weeks and it's been a blast to work on.

What's new?

Since this is the first release with a blog post, let's go over the features that have been added since the v0.2.0 release:

That's quite a lot! Let's show off two of the cooler new features.


Connect to remote browser

One of the big complaints that we originally saw with Astral was that it didn't work in Deno Deploy. This is a relatively challenging issue since Deno Deploy doesn't allow you to run a subprocess. However, with the new wsEndpoint option, you can connect to a remote browser instance. This means that you can run Astral in Deno Deploy! There are a ton of CDP-compatible tools that are out there for hosting, but the most popular tool that I've seen is

// Import Astral
import { launch } from "";

// Connect to remote endpoint
const browser = await launch({
  wsEndpoint: "wss://",

// Do stuff
const page = await browser.newPage("");
console.log(await page.evaluate(() => document.title));

// Close connection
await browser.close();

Sandbox Mode

One of the core selling points of Deno is that is has a great built-in permission system. By default, the browser subprocess escapes this sandbox, but with a lot of work by @lowlight on github, we now have a sandbox mode that allows you to run the browser in a sort of sandboxed environment. In sandbox mode, the browser will not be able to make requests to websites and files without --allow-net and --allow-read permissions.

// Import Astral
import { launch } from "";
import { fromFileUrl } from "";

// Launch browser
const browser = await launch();

// Open the page if permission granted, or throws Deno.errors.PermissionDenied
const { state } = await Deno.permissions.request({
  name: "net",
  path: "",
await browser.newPage("", { sandbox: true });

// Close browser
await browser.close();


That's all for this blog post. I'm excited to see more community adoption for Astral. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on twitter or on the Deno Discord.


Ceasar Weissnat

Ceasar Weissnat

Keyshawn Bernhard

Keyshawn Bernhard

Andreane Wuckert

Keyshawn Bernhard

Andreane Wuckert

Andreane Wuckert

Andreane Wuckert

Ceasar Weissnat

Ceasar Weissnat

Keyshawn Bernhard