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I'm Lino Le Van, an independent developer who mostly contributes to open source projects in my free time.
Finding good data mixtures for LLM training can be tricky - Aioli provides a unified framework to construct pre-training data mixtures. Talk to the authors @MayeeChen @kchonyc Christopher Ré @HazyResearch directly here!
Building a startup pack for people in the JS runtime space. Anyone I'm missing?
I missed the 2022 drop of the SI prefixes ronna (10^27), quetta (10^30), ronto (10^-27), and quecto (10^-30). Frankly an interesting decision to extend the standard SI prefixes. Source:
Final Cut Pro 11 is sick. Excited to use it.
I feel like a vertically integrated web + UI framework would be pretty cool. Maybe throw a database in there too. Maybe like... auth and file storage would be nice bonuses. An email/text API? Oh, and being able to deploy it easily. That would be nice. Weird that no one has made this yet.
Some of these text message API guys are cooking.
Your dev and prod environment should be as close to eachother as possible. Keep running into issues between our local dev env, staging, and prod. What a disaster. Running typescript natively really helps with this. Trying to migrate the company codebase to
Twilio is awful, does anyone have any good recs to replace them?
Having the privilege of being able to spend 100% of your time on one thing must feel fantastic.
Would be cool to see someone build a MongoDB-compatible api with tenants sort of like how NileDB does it. Might try to hack something together.